Monday, January 27, 2014

Day 2 1/27/14

On day 2 I was able to finish the rough sketch of the overall picture. Overall I'm actually pretty satisfied with it. Obviously I'll need to touch up on some areas (Pacifically the burnt half of his face) if I want it to look really nice.

For a rough sketch I say it looks pretty good given my current drawing ability. On day three I should be able to fix up on some of the missed areas and be able to add the preliminary colors. Hopefully after day 3 this starts to look like an actual painting with the preliminary colors added.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Day 1: 1/23/14

So this is my 1st day working on my 1st project of the term. What I'm doing is creating a digital painting from a tutorial I found. It's a painting of Two-Face.

Drawing is a skill is severely lack in and I look to improve in. So the main reason I'm taking on this project is to improve my drawing skills and improve my knowledge of Photoshop at the same time.

On the tutorial website it says the project difficulty is advanced and the estimated completion time is 6-10 hours. Sounds pretty scary but I'm willing to take the challenge.

One of the 1st things in the tutorial is to draw in a rough sketch of the overall painting. I'm going to do this by hand as I'm more comfortable doing that. I'll post a picture of it when it is finished. Hopefully on Day 2

Link to the tutorial: