Monday, March 24, 2014

3/24/14 Project 3 Day: 3

I'm finally here, this was finished up for quite a while now but haven't posted it for some weird reason. Well not much to say, really like how it turned out. Has a lot more of a simple drawing look to it? I'm not exactly sure how to describe it exactly besides that.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Project 3: Day 2 3/10/14

Been a while since I last posted. Have been sick the last week so I got a little behind. No matter I got done with the highlights to keep on schedule on how many days I work on it. Thought I could draw the outline in a day and get the color in another but gave myself another day for finishing touches. Looks like I'll have to add the rest of the color and do the finishing touches next time. Also the touches of blue around the picture is the background color. Decided to turn it off until it's completed fully.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Project 3: Day One 3/3/14

New day, new project. This one took me awhile to actually draw out. Think I did pretty good but one thing I've learned from this project already is that I need to work on my speed because this one took me too long to draw. I'm going to try something a little different for this one and do the highlights first. Think it could potentially save me time.