Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Project 2 Day 1: 2/12/14

So my whole plan has revolved around being able to improve my drawing skills to the point where I'm confident enough to make a solid animation. Project 1 was pretty much just a practice project I guess you can call it. Pretty much felt I did the best I could do on that project. Biggest problem was that the tutorial was going for this ultra realistic look I suppose. My animation probably won't look ultra realistic... probably

With the animation goal in mind I wanted to draw and finish something from an Animation. What better thing to do than Sterling Archer? So for pre production I hand drew a rough draft. Was pretty solid so I felt I didn't need to add the color to that draft. Could have easily just scanned the picture in but I wanted to draw it again in photoshop. More practice I suppose. Picture of the overall outline below.

I figure this project should take 3 days to complete. One for the outline, one for the color, and one for the highlights.

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