Friday, February 14, 2014

Project 2 Day 2: 2/14/14

So with the overall outline done I was ready to add color. Before going on any further I will admit defeat and say I couldn't find the right skin tone. So I opened my reference picture in Photoshop and used the eyedropper tool to get the color. I know, criminal but I wasted about 15 minutes trying to get the right skin tone and my frustration was at very high. Now with that out of the way lets continue on.

Overall I'm pretty satisfied with the coloring of the project. Kind of looks creepy with out the eyes but I plan on adding those last. With the time I had I wasn't able to get to the eyebrows so I'll do that before moving over to the highlights in the hair and the shading. The highlights in the hair is what is really going to make this look great so I expect it to be very time consuming.

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